When the radio can not working normally, is it possible to recycle its K-coins?
The K-coins already distributed to a specific radio can not be returned and recycled, but the rest of validity can be assigned to a new radio.
What if a radio is lost?
Disable the lost radio at NMS; then it can't register in the system any longer. Thus voice calls are secured.
Radio location is not shown on dispatching map
1. Check whether the radio's GPS function is enabled.
2. Make sure the radio is outdoor and receives the GPS signal. If the radio is indoor, it may not get GPS signal.
3. Radio's GPS info is pulled at default intervals. If the radio doesn't move, the dispatcher will not detect its location changing and radio location will not show on the map.
4. Pull radio's GPS manually at the dispatching console.
Web dispatch login failure
1. Check whether internet is accessible,
2. Check whether the domain name of dispatch is correct,
3. Check whether dispatch account&password input correctly,
4. Try to clean the broswer cache.
5. Check whether dispatch account is expired.
NMS login failure
1. Check whether internet is accessible,
2. Check whether the domain name of NMS is correct,
3. Check whether NMS account & password is input correctly,
4. Try to clean the broswer cache.