Kirisun Dispatch Communication Solution for Guizhou Fire Protection Group
Release: 2020.10.14


The Guizhou provincial government chose the Kirisun team in order to strengthen the linkage ability of township  government fire protection group, standardize the stable development of itself, promote joint service, joint training,  joint investigation and joint combat of units at all levels, and focus on solving the drawback of township government  fire protection group such as difficulty in management, slow transmission of police information, and lack of channels  for combat command due to dispersed teams and complex environments.



  • Lack of effective supervision and management means for on duty situations.

  • The transmission of police information mostly relies on traditional methods such as mobile phones.

  • The command center cannot obtain the actual situation of the combat scene.

  • There is a lack of effective means for joint operations.



Relying on the operator's network, combined with the actual  application scenarios of customers, through Kirisun fire protection management platform and related terminal solutions,  users at different levels deploy corresponding equipment and software, realize modular management mode, apply PoC communication technology + fire protection management platform functions, combined with PoC radio, mobile APP, duty  desk, dispatching desk, etc., to achieve standby duty, audio  and video call, police dispatch, remote command and other  related applications, to solve the dilemma faced by users.

System Structure



  • Rescue scene visualization.

  • Efficient management of various forms of teams.

  • The communication system is organically unified.

  • Police information handling is more efficient.

  • Open up joint service, training, investigation and combat between provincial and township fire protection groups.


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