Kirisun Helping Gould Electronics Realize DMR Trunking Solution
Release: 2019.05.07


Gould Electronics was first established in Cornwall in the early 1980s. It has built up its trunking service with Tait MPT  system for more than 15 years, and most of the customers from construction,education,hospital,engineering , agriculture and shopping mall etc.



  • The existing MPT system has always problems.

  • High performance-cost DMR trunking system is required.

  • Improve work efficiency and ensure safe operations.



During the communication, Kirisun realized that Gould Elec-tronics need a smooth transformation solution to replace the existing MPT system step by step, in order to protect the previous investment and ensure their customers’ experience in smooth evolution. Kirisun created a strong R&D team  dedicated for this customized cost-saving solution, we develop a new product (DG800) - gateway between Tait MPT system & Kirisun DMR trunking  system, deeply satisfied customer need. Till now, we have deployed 37 transceivers, 562 mobiles radios, 560 portable radios at 17 sites.


Customer Reviews

“Appreciate for Kirisun’s whole team on their continuous eff ort to help Gould Electronics realize the truly smooth transfor mation from the out-dated MPT system to high performance- cost DMR trunking system, I believe our customer will get mor e satisfied because of this new trunking system and in the co ming 2 years, we can attract more and more customers.” 

– CEO of Gould Electronics Mr. David

System Structure


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